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(click here for further reading, or to share in a discussion related to the topics covered in this song.)


Answers sought, to justify 

knowledge preconceived,

Are merely contrived shadows

of false reality,

Meaning derived

from truth convoluted

Has at its end,

purpose, thus polluted.

Wisdom’s true value,

is realized once seen,

Through eyes accepting

of where it has been,

Judgments so made,

void of prejudiced notion,

With love and good will,

would fill up an ocean.

Next Song: Love Is All We Need to Know (Fernando Varela)


(Click here to engage: Forum / Synopsis)


Answers sought, to justify knowledge preconceived,

Are merely contrived shadows of false reality,

Meaning derived from truth convoluted

Has at its end, purpose thus polluted.

Wisdom’s true value, is realized once seen,

Through eyes accepting of where it has been,

Judgments so made, void of prejudiced notion,

With love and good will, would fill up an ocean.

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