We find the greatest meaning by accepting who we are, using what we have and maximizing our potential while striving for freedom.
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Prelude to The Meaning of Life
Philosopher's, clerics, scientists, psychologists, poets and countless others, have all contributed opinions on, "What is The Meaning of Life". This is a question to which a defining answer may be as illusive as determining the origin of the universe itself.
On a personal level, a question we can ask is, "What gives my life meaning?".
Fully understanding the answer to this question may be the key to helping us identify the pathway that will lead us to living a happy and enlightened life.
The name of this pathway is "Purpose" and its ultimate destination is "Fulfillment".
For example:
One of the things that gives Anne's life meaning is her love for her family and friends. This is something that she feels deeply, and it is a core component of her life. Because she loves her family and friends, she wants to make the world that they live in as healthy, exciting, rewarding, fulfilling and loving as she possibly can, so achieving these objectives becomes a purpose in life for Anne. As Anne's efforts become successful and she can verify the improvements her actions have created in the world of those she loves she finds herself feeling happier and more fulfilled.
What gives your life meaning, and how has this helped you find a purpose, and are you happy, do you feel fulfilled? There are no perfect answers to these questions, so, please share your ideas, experiences and inspirations with us, as they may help others find meaning, purpose and fulfillment as well.