A basic fact that we can start with is that we do exist. As Rene Descartes said, “I think, therefore I am.” But is mere existence enough?
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Some scientist and some philosophers believe that the origin of the universe, or where the first matter came from, or what happened before the "big bang" or what eternal time is, may be beyond the comprehension of the human mind. Carl Sagan believed that we are a way of the universe knowing itselt.
In fact, the question of what "Reality" is has been debated among philosophers for centuries, and some people have even come to the radical conclusion that what we experience is nothing more than an elaborate illusion.
The important thing to remember is that we have a sense of who we are, and as Socrates posits, have the opportunity and responsibility, to continually examine our own lives in a quest to determine our own reality.
If you have any thoughts on this matter, or links to credible scientific or philosophical thinking on the subject of eternity, please post them here.
Pink Floyd Tribute band, "All In All" performs Eternity.
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